Diversity & Impact

Mission: Create synergy between economics, education, and the environment
Problems like ‘poverty’ and ‘climate change’ cannot be solved by themselves, solved by one group, or wait for tomorrow. Redefining the world is the only way to escape the determined. Synergetics Education helps people ‘think outside the box’ of their limitations and into the synergy of a changing universe.
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Sample Impact
Masters Level Academic English for All
Sample Impact
Free Online Courses in Niche Topics
Sample Impact
Vienna Virtuoso Classical Music for All
Sample Impact
GetSmart Student Debt Relief
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion
Vienna Virtuoso was the first initiative synergizing “modern, classical, and revolutionary” music education. We designed a free, open-source LMS and ‘focus lessons’ with Vienna Symphony Orchestra and Mozarthaus to inspire and engage the next generation of classical musicians. Through “Mozart from Mozarthaus” we recorded live training in eight instruments and six languages from both top-level maestros and aspiring advanced students and published them on Youtube. We created scholarships for live-streaming concerts for unknown young musicians. We synergized the expertise of the Vienna Boy’s Choir with the Vienna Refugee Choir and Vienna’s Long Nights of the Museums. We honored the disabled through various ideas such as Rodrigo for the blind, Vivaldi for orphans, and Beethoven for the deaf.
The “MBE” is the first open-source, completely free pre-Masters and pre-PhD “Pathways in English” program. It combines the best practices of online learning, portfolio-based assessment, and English for Academic Purposes to provide students around the World access to higher education through Academic English, Critical Thinking, and Transferable Study Skills. It has been implemented in India’s largest university to help over 700 students reach Master’s level qualification and is on the pathway for full EU accreditation.

Social Impact Measures
Synergize Neurodiversity
For the Attention Discoverer, there are only two things to “discover” which lead to successful focus:
- what keeps our attention (directed)
- what loses our attention (distracted)
AD can be thus redefined as Attention Discovery.
The discovery of our own attention span, what we focus on now, what we want to focus on, and what we miss when our energy is scattered will make us conscious of our own activity and how to change our thoughts and behavior towards better focus. By helping our AD kids become “attention discoverers” we turn focus-consciousness into a useful game, avoid stygmatizing them, and provide a self-therapy mechanism that works throughout life.
Now that we’ve looked at Attention Discovery, and have an easy way to figure out what keeps us interested enough to focus, we turn to the development of our hyperactive energy towards useful activities that focus our attention.
Why is hyperactivity considered a ‘disorder’? All the most amazing people throughout history have been hyperactive. We like to call them “prolific” writers, extreme athletes, serial entrepreneurs, but without hyperactivity all these people would be average, boring, common. Maybe that’s what the society wants, more controlled and passive consumers, but the ADHD superpower will not allow it in our hearts, as the energy is endless compared to the ‘normal’ people who judge us as ‘disordered’.
Once we understand that this hyperenergy is available to us at all times, we can laugh at the so-called experts who say ‘you need eight hours of sleep’ or ‘why can’t you just be still’ ‘you can’t multitask really’ or ‘everything needs to be organized properly’ because those things are projections from the average person’s low energy and just don’t correspond to our reality, which is awake, moving around, and in multiple directions at once.
Multidirectionality is a powerful way to focus the hyperactive superpower, and it can be developed over time. Did anyone tell Elon Musk that he couldn’t make a car, space, construction, energy, and technology company at the same time and lead them al efficiently? No, because he wouldn’t have listened anyway. But his superpower of hyperactivity didn’t come overnight, he had to build the skills of delegating his ideas and actions to others who can focus on one thing. This way his hyperactivity is channelled and his multidirectionality reaches various goals at once.
For the Hyperactive Developer, there are only two things to “develop” which lead to successful focus:
- what keeps our hyperactivity focused
- what makes us passive (distracted)
HD can be thus redefined as Hyperactivity Development.
Discover your attention and develop your hyperactivity. Don’t listen to those prescribing you addictive medication because they cannot see your true potential. Synergize your strengths and make the World a better place!
Synergetics vision: improve the lives of people everywhere through education.