Vision and principles

Welcome to Synergetics Education

Our Vision is to improve the lives of people everywhere through synergy in education. Our Mission is to increase access to quality education, humanize modern systems, and transfer knowledge across boundaries.


"We believe that solutions for today's learners are intercultural, interdisciplinary, and intelligent."

Synergetics Education method was originally the “Team Specialist Approach” where Dr. Josh Lange saw the coming revolution of AI and computer science to develop niche-level courses using the triangulation of expertise in content areas, language teaching, and learning design.  This turned into “Synergetics” when Dr. Lange was listening to an audio book about Buckminster Fuller’s concepts and he realized the approach was a use of the ‘synergetics’ that Fuller envisioned.  

Buckminster Fuller’s concept of Synergetics involves the study of spatial complexity and interrelationships, often exploring the principles of holistic systems, efficiency, and sustainability. It can be used to devise a language education model, especially for professionals, by incorporating these principles. Here’s an outline of a Synergetics Language Learning Model:

1. Holistic Approach:

Fuller believed in the interconnectedness of all things. In terms of language learning, this means not focusing solely on grammar or vocabulary, but integrating speaking, reading, writing, and listening. Real-world scenarios, professional jargon, and cultural nuances should be part of the curriculum.

2. Efficiency:

The synergetic model prioritizes doing more with less, maximizing learning while minimizing wasted time and resources. This can be done through focused, intensive learning sessions, the use of technology, and self-paced learning. Advanced tools can tailor the learning content to the individual’s current proficiency level and professional needs.

3. Sustainability:

Fuller emphasized systems that can maintain themselves over time. In language learning, this means building habits that support ongoing learning and usage of the language. Opportunities for practice in real-world situations, like meetings or presentations, can help learners maintain their skills. Continuous learning and improvement would be encouraged.

4. Interdisciplinary Learning:

Just as Fuller saw the interconnectedness in the world, language learning in this model should be linked with other areas of knowledge, relevant to the professionals. By integrating language learning with the learner’s professional field, the learning becomes more meaningful and practical.

5. Co-creation and Collaboration:

In line with the synergetic philosophy, language learning isn’t a solitary activity. The model should foster collaboration among learners, encouraging them to learn from and with each other. They can work together on projects, presentations, or discussions, harnessing the “sum-is-greater-than-the-parts” principle.

6. Iterative Learning:

Finally, learning a language is an ongoing process. The model should embrace iteration – repeated cycles of learning, practicing, getting feedback, and improving. This continuous improvement and refinement is part of the synergetic approach.


In summary, this model integrates the principles of efficiency, sustainability, and holistic and interconnected learning, promoting a comprehensive and practical approach to language education for professionals. It not only teaches a language but also facilitates meaningful communication in a professional setting.

Synergetics starts with learning design, foreign language, and specialized content.

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