Innovation from Within
We synergize innovation and motivation, individuals and company goals then tailor technology, training and evaluation to maximize success.
Our cutting-edge tools and concepts are used by leading corporations like Google and IBM to support lifelong learning, improved communication, and sustainabile workplaces at every stage.
The Synergetics approach works with any technology, any existing content, any ability level, any organization size.
Sample Webinar
Dr. Josh Lange on Writing Skills with Generative AI
Sample Masterclass
Chris Jensen on Concise Legal Writing Style
Words From Our Clients
You believe in us and we believe in you
We discover things like business objectives, KPIs, target content, schedule, budget, personality, focus, interests
The four stages of the synergetics learning cycle
- Discover:- find human needs, language specifics, and business objectives
- Design:- choose the right tools, curriculum, trainers, and methods to maximize learning
- Deliver:- expert language training programs tailored to each audience
- Develop:- understand through measurement and expand with self-development
During the course the training team and learner shift toward stronger content, language, or design. New synergies are created with emergent information about the learner – for example a new schedule, updated content, or different focus. Once we deliver the training, we co-create a development plan towards further learning and a begin a new cycle of lifelong learning or what linguists call ‘discrete infinity.’
Through Synergetics’ unique discrete infinity cycle and Totally Responsive Design (TRD) approach we can connect any existing course or material with language and design. We also aim to support work/life balance through easy scheduling and build positive self-esteem with encouraging feedback loops.
Case #1 Scaling Legal Writing Coach
- Discover: World-leading expert in legal writing couldn’t expand his services due to high expectations of law firms for trainers, niche topics, and various budget limitations.
- Design: high quality, cost-effective solutions for various clients that synergize niche content, language, and existing technologies.
- Deliver: global online community of practice with experts and courses targeted to various legal audiences and budgets.
- Develop: Catalogue of training options, pool of lawyers and language teachers, and automated online learning to supplement courses and create measurable quality standards.
Results: 2,000 new lawyers trained each year; client upsells that doubled revenue; top-ranked in Google search; new strategic partnerships; maintained 100% satisfaction, 100% retention; shift to online hybrid learning.
Case #2 Helping Doctors with Refugee Patients
- Discover: Overwhelmed medical doctors and influx of refugees unable to communicate even through a translator, causing errors in judgement, increasing patient waiting time and doctor stress level.
- Design: Training that saved time-per-patient, reduced communication anxiety of all three groups, and created more accurate diagnoses.
- Deliver: Empathy-based role play and communication training using English as a medium, where doctors, translators, and refugees could more easily understand and simplify language.
- Develop: specific checklists and visual aids for different audiences and common diagnoses to ensure smooth communication flow across languages.
Results: 40% decrease in Doctor communication time with refugees and translators; 90% success rate with mock CanMed Doctor communication skills assessment.
Case #3 Filling Customer Service Gaps
- Discover: Global law firm with over 100 branch offices. Clients complain about different communication styles which wastes time and money.
- Design: Technology-enhanced communication course with tasks that require collaboration between multiple countries and offices.
- Deliver: Communication training program that behind-the-scenes extracted consistent language through participant feedback loops, then co-developed a tailored Style Guide, synergizing the training needs with company preferred language, valuable templates and consistent customer service.
- Develop: Further induction training for all employees using the Style Guide to maintain communication consistency across all countries in the CEE region.
Results: 92% of participants reported increased job satisfaction and 100% reported better communication with clients and law firm colleagues from different offices.
Sample Course
Masters and PhD English Preparatory Course
Sample Short Training
Jeff Keiser esq. on International Trademarks
Synergetics integrates learning design, foreign language, and specialized content.